Seventeen Magazine Girl Power Tag

Seventeen Magazine was a major staple in my years growing up, and I always loved how the magazine represented all facets of how to be a girl that you could be proud of being. Jona opened my eyes to this awesome Seventeen Magazine “Girl Power Tag” which I think is so cool! You can see her take on girl power here ( and here is mine!


To me, it’s simple: I think girl power is all about believing in yourself! I think that it is so refreshing and even empowering when other young women truly believe that they can achieve their dreams. I also think that supporting other girls in their goals is an important part of girl power – everyone needs some encouragement sometimes, and it’s so important to offer this to others!


As a nerd and organization freak, I am a huge lover and endorser of keeping a planner/calendar! I think that this makes everything run so much more smoothly and it keeps me on track.

Also, remember that what you put out, you get back. Wake up each morning thankful and excited for the day, think good thoughts, and good things will come back into your life!


I have always thought it would be super cool to fly – I don’t know how useful that would be, but it sure would be neat! From a more realistic perspective, I would love to be able to multitask and move a million miles a minute… super speed! Sometimes I feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day and this would definitely help out.


There is nothing more empowering than surrounding myself with other strong, impactful women. I know I can learn so much form them that will help me in everything I do!

Also, I am a big believer in when you look good you feel good! Whenever I put on a cute outfit and do my hair, I always feel really good about myself. Hey, more power to the girls who can pull off the Norts and t-shirt look everyday…. it is awfully comfy! But when I feel put together, I feel like I can make a much larger impact. It’s funny how something so small can make a big difference!


As I mentioned before, I think we can learn so much from each other! I think that being a sponge and learning from others can make us grow and evolve so much as leaders and even just as girls.


I think Jennifer Lawrence is just awesome! She stands up for what she believes in and represents such strength and self-confidence in a time when that is majorly lacking.

My sorority sisters have also had a huge impact on me and the way I see myself as a leader and role model. I think an important characteristic of a power girl is to always offer support to others – and this is exactly what I get from all 250ish of them!

I don’t think that we have to look very far for amazing power girls. So many girls are amazing for so many different reasons. True power rests in knowing the fact that we can all achieve our biggest dreams!


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