
There are three sides to every story: your’s, mine, and the truth.

This is a saying we have all heard, and even though I sure do like to be right, I have to admit that this is a pretty true statement. Almost all of the time, stories get changed from the absolute truth as they are told and retold – the game “telephone” is around for a reason. I’m not saying that people outright lie or exaggerate (although this does sometimes happen), but that one factor has LOTS to do with this phenomenon.


Sometimes in conversation is seems like two separate stories are being discussed!

In so many situations like this, we put ourselves at such a disadvantage by seeing only in a narrow viewpoint. So many times, we get stuck in our own ideas and don’t realize the true situation – almost all of the time, there is some truth to what each person is saying. By opening our eyes, our ears, and our minds, we can see situations differently, and hopefully more accurately!

The biggest lesson I have learned about perception, however, is that we should always consider how others may react to our own actions – we must ask ourselves, “how will this person perceive what I am saying or doing?” This may change our actions, and it may not, but learning how to see from the other side of the situation is such a vital lesson that can prevent conflict and ease many situations.

That being said, keep the peace! I know that people sometimes have different personalities and just don’t get along (from experience, unfortunately) but this may be my favorite tool to avoid sticky situations and confrontation!

So… finish off the week strong by thinking before doing! Always stay true to your own values, but consider others as well! I hope you had a great Hump Day and a happy Wellness Wednesday! Here’s a challenge – be the first to smile at a stranger tomorrow! In college, we pass so many strangers daily. Instead of just walking by, wherever you are, make eye contact and smile! It really can change someone’s day! I promise, that stranger’s perception of you will be great!


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