Woman Crush Wednesday: Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

(image found at (http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1026129/feminists-unite-in-2013-20-most-inspiring-quotes))

Jennifer Lawrence is such a cool girl, don’t you think? Jennifer represents what a true star should be – a positive role model.

After being criticized for her amazing body, Jennifer has made a true stand in Hollywood, which is typically a place of mass criticism and exercise/food problems. She really does represent a real, strong woman – this is what little girls, young adults like myself, and every age in between need. It is so encouraging to see a woman with such a platform stand up for her body image and refuse to be defeated or put down by what other people say.

As long as you feel good about yourself, that is what matters.

Who is your inspiration this week? Sometimes, I feel self-conscious and down on myself, even though I know I shouldn’t be. Amazing ladies like Jennifer Lawrence are the ones we should be taking notes on. The biggest lesson is to always embrace your true self and your true beauty! And never forget to smile!


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