beach body

Insanity, Hip Hop Abs… The powerhouse that is Shaun T!

If I have one fitness idol, I have to say that is is Shaun Thompson, more commonly known as Shaun T. From Insanity to Hip Hip Abs, Shaun T is an absolute PRO at making transformational workouts that are hip and fun.

I developed a love for Shaun T in high school when my fitness passion was just beginning and I was trying lots of new workouts to see what I liked best. My dad actually had the Insanity videos, and I decided to give them a try one summer. Needless to say, I noticed changes in the way I looked and felt and was a big fan immediately. Not only was Insanity a BIG challenge, but it was something I was so proud of myself accomplishing.

When I found out that Shaun T also had Hip Hop Abs videos, I got them right away! I have danced my whole life, and combining that passion with my new love for fitness was something that really made health and fitness part of who I am. These workouts were so fun right from the beginning, and to this day, I have completed both Hip Hop Abs and Insanity multiple times… I just can’t get enough!

Many times, people don’t know what to do or what to try when they are starting a new workout program or even their first! One of the great things about Shaun T is that he provides many videos that appeal to different personalities and fitness goals! Insanity and Hip Hop Abs are my two favorites, so here’s why I love them both so much!

Hip Hop Abs

  • Hip Hop Abs is great for the beginner! The workout really makes a difference, but isn’t too hard. Shaun T also teaches some great techniques for optimal ab workouts in these videos, so you can take what you learn here and apply it to every workout!
  • Hip Hop Abs is FUN!! Between the music and Shaun T’s personality, you will laugh and smile when you workout… who would have known that was even possible!?

 (found here: (


  • Insanity is extremely motivational. This is one of Shaun T’s strongest qualities – he is amazing at making you want to be your best self! He really does make this workout a challenge.
  • Insanity revolves around the concept of “Max Interval Training” where you workout out hard for a few minutes straight, then are granted about thirty seconds of rest. WOW, this really works!!!!
  • The workout has heavy cardio, but Shaun T comes up with innovative ways to include resistance training, but without any extra equipment.
  • I can promise, you will see results! Every time I do this workout, I feel my best and I feel like I look my best.

Check Insanity out at (

You could say I have a bit of an obsession with Shaun T. But it’s not just because I love his workouts. I love his personality and I love his story. Shaun T is an inspiration to me not only in my fitness life, but in my everyday life as well. His slogan from Insanity “dig deeper” is something that I try to translate to my everyday life. To me, it means do your best, work even harder than you think you can, and believe that you can! I think Shaun T is just great.

I so recommend looking into Shaun T’s work. You won’t be disappointed!