
Protein Bars – Which ones are actually healthy choices?

So many times, I catch so many of my friends thinking that they are doing themselves a huge favor by choosing protein bars that are marketed as healthy… but they choose them without looking into the facts! While I really love the idea of protein bars (especially post-workout) I do have to say that a lot of false marketing goes on in this industry! Lots of bars are packed with sugar and have a ton of carbs – that defeats the whole purpose! Here are some of my favorite choices that taste great and also have great health benefits!

Think Thin Protein Bars


I really love these! They have zero grams of sugar and taste great. They are also gluten free, which is an extremely important factor since I just had to cut gluten from my diet! These really fill me up and I think they are a great choice. Find them at (

Quest Protein Bars

Cookies & Cream - Box of 12
I think Quest bars are a great choice because they also have a ton of fiber, which is another vital part of the diet that sometimes we don’t get enough of. They are pretty low in carbs, high in protein, and they taste great! Found at (
Kind Bars
Cashew & Ginger Spice
I love this brand! Usually I eat their gluten free granola on greek yogurt, but these bars are a good, nutty choice! I am glad that I gave them a try! Find their products at (
Moral of the story – make sure you check out the nutrition label before you buy the protein bars! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Snack Attack: a healthier alternative to chips or pretzels!

Getting back in the swing of things at college today sure has been a whirlwind! I had four classes today, and four different meetings tonight! I have asked myself multiple times how this can be happening on the FIRST DAY of the semester! But hey, the calendar is already full of fun things from the beginning of the semester to the end!

College students (and probably lots of people in the workplace) have really weird schedules that sometimes seem to interfere with one of my favorite times of the day, meal time! I know that my lunch time is an issue. I have class from 8:30 in the morning until 2:45 in the afternoon on Mondays and Wednesdays this semester, and for me, that is way too long without food!

SNACKS. This is what saves me. Weird coming from a health nut, right? Wrong! While there are lots of bad snacks out there, good ones can also be so easy to find!

One of my favorite on-the-go snacks are little pieces of heaven called Somersaults, found here: ( These little guys are snacks made with sunflower seeds, and are my favorite alternative to chips or pretzels, which may be okay in moderation, but can become killer quickly! These snacks have very few ingredients, which is always a good sign, and they are super yummy! Fourteen is one serving, and believe me, that is enough! Even though they are a small snack, they are hefty! Thanks to the fiber, protein, and yumminess of these snacks, I think this is a great way to stay fueled throughout the day! With multiple flavors, anyone can find a favorite! Mine is the pacific sea salt flavor!

If you love snacking but you also love being healthy, I SO encourage you to try Somersaults or at least to check out their website! From the nutrition facts to the story behind the product, I am a big fan!

Whether you are starting a new semester today, sitting at a desk, or getting a good work out, I bet you find yourself snacking at some point! Always remember that snacks don’t have to be unhealthy!


Carob Chips, a Healthy Alternative

Do you have a sweet tooth? I do.

Are you a health nut? I am.

Well, this is quite the paradox for a nutrition obsessed gal. Recently though, I discovered carob chips, which are a healthy alternative to chocolate chips… one of my favorites!

These little gems come from the Mediterranean carob tree and are filled with fiber and calcium, low in fat content and caffeine, and are naturally sweet! Wow, what could be better!? I even read that carob chips count as paleo, if you follow that diet.

You probably know that I am not one for deprivation, but I do love finding healthy alternatives to the yummiest foods (which tend to be not-so-good for you). Carob chips may be my favorite discovery yet – they are so versatile. You can melt these babies, eat them plain, or make energy bars out of them… the possibilities are endless.

One of my favorite things to do with carob chips is SO healthy and SO simple. I am a huge lover of greek yogurt, and usually I make it fruity, but carob chips have given me another way to enjoy one of my favorite healthy, tummy-flattening foods! All I do is mix my plain, nonfat greek yogurt with a little honey to give it some natural sweetness, then sprinkle a handful of carob chips on top! You can even add walnuts to get a fix of a super food. You can also add cinnamon, which is filled with antioxidants! 


This is such a quick, simple treat that is so very good for you! The carob chips are so rich and give the yogurt an unhealthy taste, all while being completely nutritious! I even eat this for breakfast sometimes if I am craving something sweet… drop the donut and choose this! Your abs will say thank you!

sprouts, my new happy place!


So I have been hearing great things about this Farmer’s Market style grocery store that just opened in my neighborhood called Sprouts. I have been meaning to check it out for quite a while now, and today I finally made my way there! I was expecting good things, but I loved this place way more than a girl should love a grocery store!

The main high point for me were all of the “raw” food options that the store offered, like meal replacement bars, almond butter, and kale chips. Raw foods can be hard to find, but Sprouts had a good amount of things to choose from. They even had raw honey, one of my favorites!

Also, there is a huge granola/nut/seed station located right in the middle of the store. Things like whey protein, various nuts, and different granolas that are made fresh are available…it’s like a health nut’s candy store with the big crates that you scoop your own portions from! I purchased steel cut oats (only 99 cents per pound) and raw pepitas (pumpkin seeds.)

As a tea loving girl, the HUGE tea section was a little piece of heaven to me… I walked out of there with four new teas! They all have some health benefit, like detoxifying. So many options!!!

So the big question is if Sprouts is affordable… it totally is! It’s actually cheaper than my regular grocery stores, and they offer tons of coupons. They will also give you a discount for every reusable bag you bring in to the store! Yay discounts!

If you have a Sprouts near you (they are only located in a handful of states) PLEASE go try it out! They have so many yummy, healthy options at a good price. The small town America vibe of these stores makes the experience even better.

Sometimes exploring new places (even if it is as non-eventful as venturing away from your regular grocery stores) can be so exciting and help you have a happier day… it may sound dorky, but Sprouts definitely put a smile on my face!

Think about ways you can change up your daily routines and make doing simple activities and running errands more fun! Remember to eat clean and live well!

apple dip: simple, healthy, and delicious


My grandmother always comes up with new, innovative recipes for me to test out since she knows that I’m always keen on trying new healthy foods. Years ago, I watched her prepare this apple dip… I thought it looked absolutely awful, but once I tasted it I realized I had a new favorite! Guess that’s why they say never judge a book by it’s cover!

The apple dip is super simple, healthy, and even has a frosting-like taste and texture to it. I eat this apple dip for lunch… it’s the perfect amount of food to hold me over until that healthy afternoon snack!

You’ll need…

  • peanuts or almonds to add texture to the dip (This is optional! I have made the dip without nuts and it is still delicious!)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (I prefer to buy the natural peanut butters. You can make this dip with smooth or crunchy. If you use crunchy, you don’t need the nuts.)
  • 1 cup greek yogurt (I use Fage 0%)
  • honey (however much you like)
  • sliced apples

That’s it! To make about three servings, just combine the yogurt with the peanut butter and mix. Once it is somewhat combined, add the honey and stir until completely combined. Then, add the nuts! Slice your apple and enjoy!

Live the good life and eat clean!